About Me

Who am I?

A spouse, a mother of 3 boys and a professional with more than 27 years in BFSI, IT and Ed-Tech experience, 2 MBAs and a certification from MIT in Design Thinking and many more with the last 16 years being spent building new products and solutions for the Top most Exchange in Asia, could sound like an impressive credentials for a woman who’s made it in the Industry.

I loved my work and has just found the careers of my dreams. What they call a perfect fit. It took me 10 years to find myself and then 16 years to master my field and build credibility based on my knowledge and experience.

With over 35 projects under my belt and always raring to learn new technologies and build new applications, I never once thought my journey would take a mid-life U turn and got me realizing, what am I supposed to do and is this what I wanted for myself.

My Journey before “Gloria Dei”

2022 was the year for a major turn for me. The Lord had been revealing to me to get out of the “beast system” for a long time (since 2016) and I was wondering what was the Beast system. I kept begging the Lord “Lord only 2 more years then I will quit” and kept changing that decision as I had not met my Financial Goals to be able to leave full time work and start out on my own. I was fearful what I would do about going “solo”. I lacked the confidence and more than that I did not see that God had plans for me, which were not according to my way of planning. I though money brought stability and peace in families and relationships etc. but I couldn’t have been more wrong. The more I worked myself up the corporate ladder, the bitter truth of the world started hitting me. It was not long before my working hours stretched and more was put into my plate only because of the carrot of promotion being dangled constantly. If I worked hard, and took more responsibility I would be noticed and then I would perhaps reach that goal in about 4 years. I was no favorite, I had no special boss to bless me. All I had was my God and he kept my attitude positive and preserving .

But things were not going well at the home front and it was more avoidance being away at work and under the pretext that I had some project or the other to keep me busy. I thought all of this would go away if I got more money. I got that promotion. I got that promotion in 2019 a very crucial year of my life when I again heard the voice saying,” Now will you quit?” So again I told myself – I’ve just got the funds I need – It will take me atleast 3 years to be able to quite comfortably. Then I heard this voice – “There is no more time.”


And truly in 2020 on my birthday as I was praying I was once again told – “Job’s troubles are coming”. I panicked because I knew what all Job lost and how he had to personally suffer in his body. Truly the start of Covid was like my patience was tested and I know why my Lord tested me. To show me how prepared I am to stand the test of the “Great Deception” and the “Great Tribulation” that will follow. Job’s troubles had visited me, but God almighty gave me only a fraction of what he gave Job and I was knocked down even under that fraction to show me I didn’t stand a chance and I should take a good look at where I am now.

Job’s Troubles ( Testing of my patience and endurance)

Covid 2021

Then to make matters worse I came down with Covid, along with 2 of my kids who also had to be isolated in separate rooms. My husband and my eldest son had to leave the house and stay separately because of Govt. regulation. To think that we had no control over our sickness, our health, our family and even living together when someone really needed you? What kind of a world had it become? All alone with no help I dragged myself out of bed to look after my other 2 kids for 30 days a period called “Quarantine”. Only my poor sister brought food for me once a day and then my maid (who had been prevented from coming to work due to the BMC policy) offered to provide me packed lunch everyday. In all these events, God was sending me angels to help me even when I was at my the lowest self!

Covid was like a truck running over you. It was not the virus, but the fear that literally killed you. Various people giving advice. The breathing difficulties were getting worse, my lungs were feeling heavy and finally one day I just went ahead and ignored all advice and made the classic – Cinnamon and Lime boiled in water with a spoon of brandy and swallowed it. I thought to myself “If I was going to die – Lord have mercy on my soul, this is it”. Next day I was better! But the breathing difficulties and other problems kept affecting me for months. I could not come back to normal or do whatever I had been doing and had continual “brain fog”.

Taking a Stand!

If that was not it, then came the vaccine mandates! It was a testing of another kind. The whole family thought I was nuts for refusing the vaccine for my sons and myself. No vaccine meant no salary, no visiting malls, no hospitals, no public travel, no bank visit and what not! I held my ground, I was facing so much pressure from everyone including my sister and parents who took the jab without questioning what was in and how it was made. Here I won’t delve into the “Vaccine Theory”, just enough to let you know that that was the final straw. I almost contemplated giving in, because I could not bear the torture and the mistreatment even from close relatives saying, I couldn’t visit them etc. Worse part is that my job was surely gone and I would have no alternative left. Even here when the mind could not see clearly, miracles of miracles were wrought by my Mighty God. In spite of the strict rules and circumstances, my medical letter from my treating physician was accepted and I was allowed to resume work just in time. Everyone was astonished including my husband! It was no doubt that God himself had saved me and I had surrendered my case to my blessed Mother and Saint Expedite (https://www.saintexpedite.com/). If anyone was in doubt, that doubt was removed. I was the only one among 1000+ employees who had got this through the intercession of the Mother of God and His Saints.

The Great Awakening

Having said that, I knew God was giving me a final call to stop and leave the Beast system. Somehow I saw and understood what the “beast system” meant and this was what God was referring to years ago when he kept telling me to “come out” of it. God also showed me the possibility of what all I would have to loose if I stayed in that system. This opened my eyes. For the 1st time, I found answers I had suspected but never thought possible. I was no longer on the side of those thought that the “conspiracy theorists” were bonkers and needed to be locked up. It made perfect sense! The world belonged to Satan and he was using every means to “deceive the saints of God.” Only those who believed in the truth and loved the truth were allowed to be awakened. This was a blessing from God alone. But we had to choose for ourselves on which side we would rather be. This was not a decision any lay person would be able to take except someone who was closely being guided by God himself. And believe me, I later found that many people were afraid of speaking up even though they new and suspect something is amiss.

1 Peter 5:8

In Conclusion

So the Lord God has brought me to this stage in my life, fully awakened and ready to know where we are standing in His timeline. There is a lot of work to do and I have been dragging my feet on it. But with the help of God, I know I have started and I will put my heart and soul in the same manner and much more to spread His Kingdom and propagate His Divine Will so that “it may be done on earth as it is in heaven” .

This is my small endeavor to give back to God of having rescued me and opened my eyes in time to see and understand the unfolding of the Book of Revelation in our lifetime.

If you find my story even a wee-bit resonating with your situation, I encourage you to write to me at : gloriadeidigital@protonmail.com and be a witness to the great handiwork of God in our lives.

Gloria Dei

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